Babesta Beat AW16
Janod playsets bring the fun to work PLAYING WORK I t ’ s that time of year when kids are turning in their beach time pails and shovels for accoutrements of indoor pursuits. Enter Janod, the favored modern wooden toy company. We love their super-sized ‘pretend play’ environments, that allow kids to try on playing cook, carpenter, student, and more. These make great gifts for a special occasion or holiday. Work has never been so fun!
Janod desk and chair , 27059, $130.
Babymel Floral brights backpack , 30352, $28; Spaceman zip backpack , 30353, $28; Dinosaur covered backpack , 30354, $23.
B ritish design brand Babymel London, known for its diaper bags, adds school essentials for kids to the mix. Zip & Zoe, their latest line of carryalls features the illustrations of NYC-based artist Matthew Langille, who brings to life Zip & Zoe’s adorable and quirky world on backpacks and insulated lunch bags, each with a story, keyring or musical tag. We love that these bags are equal parts playful, practical and imaginative.
The Library Keepsake Box: Baby , 27507, $80; The Library Keepsake Box: School , 27505, $70.
SAVOR IT Storage for milestones
P reserve the big . Celebrate the small. Savor it all. That’s the motto by modern mothers Jennifer Nevins & Karla the Losen, who created keepsake organization company Savor, teaching new parents (and the less organizationally savvy who need a method) to keep track of all those mementos. Specific tools are always a plus and Savor has divided their keepsake system into a baby box (ages 1-4) and school age box (ages 4+) with 50+ labels to guide you along. When choosing what to keep, we always think less is more. Children’s art work is more memorable when you save a few truly special pieces. How to choose? Let your kids decide what is special to them and then get creative with the extra.
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