Babesta Beat AW16
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N ature inspires B ugaboo ’ s newest special edition Cameleon stroller. We love the soft, serene ombre col orway, moving from stone grey to sea blue, alluding to a gentle wave on the shoreline. Elements features a new herringbone fabric on the bassinet, seat and canopy, giving a natural, unrefined texture. The Bugaboo Cameleon 3 Elements stroller is a limited edition all-in-one featuring a black faux leather handlebar and additional seatliner, blue on one side, pink on the other, with a leaf-shaped pattern. The details and soft beauty of this stroller make it stand out, naturally. Bugaboo’s latest strollers will make you want to have another! ELEMENTS OF STYLE
Bugaboo Cameleon 3 Complete Elements stroller , 30235, $1319. Below : Bugaboo Weekender Donkey mono stroller , 30232, $1499.
T he new B ugaboo Donkey Weekender, launching October 2016, is the ultimate ride for your next jaunt to the countryside. The sporty yet elegant stroller is luxurious in tailored blue-grey fabric and cognac faux leather trim, giving that high street appeal. But, the travel-ready luggage side-bag is the real innovation. The gorgeous carry-on can be used seamlessly snapped onto the stroller or off. So pack your bag for the next adventure off road or on, the Donkey will have you sojourning in style. In store October 2016.
babesta beat fall/winter 2016
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