Babesta Beat AW18

BABYZEN YOYO Cabin-ready, this super small stroller does it all with elegance. Air travel is a snap as it fits in most overhead compartments with room to spare.

Yoyo stroller frame black , 25324, $449; Air France 0+ newborn pack , 38489, $250; Air France 6+ color pack , 38486, $75.

light & easy


The new Pockit+ really steps it up. It features a larger canopy, nice recline, car seat adaptability and the tiniest fold.

Pockit + stroller , 41122, $230.

UPPABABY MINU The MINU features a compact one handed, one step fold, a comfy seat and a large easily

MINU stroller by UppaBaby , 40363, $400.

accessable basket. Perfect for around town!


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