Babesta Beat AW16
W elcome to life with your new baby. You thought the clutter was under control but now every thing seems out of place. It might take a little creativity (and stacking) but your apartment can re turn to zen mode or at least look like it has, says Sharon Lowenheim, a.k.a. ‘Organizing Goddess.’ “It’s all about the edit,” she says. Be selective about what you keep for posterity and group similar things together so it’s easier to find what you need. Also, she notes, “use the city landscape as a guide and think skyscrapers—buy tall storage units that maximize space. Don’t worry about baby not being able to reach everything.” The certified organizer cites her long-term strategy’s under pinnings: “When baby starts to crawl, you’ll be glad that there are high places to keep certain things out of reach.” An extra perk. TOP 5 APPS THAT WILL SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE 1. Venmo 2. Cozi Dot Org We know that having kids means a lot more stuff! We chatted with professional organizer, Sharon Lowenheim, to get some tips on how to manage the chaos in style and serenity.
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