two FOR the ROAD The best in-lines for city kids
City Select stroller, 16747, $499.95; City Select second seat, 18519, $169.95
Hitting the road in the city with two in tow is made easier with Baby Jogger’s City Select . With the most flexibility on the market, it features 16 different positions. Your dynamic duo can be same or mixed age and the stroller can be adjusted to accommodate one or two kids in a jiff. Make any combo of bassinets, car seats and seats. Kids can face in, out, each other or back-to. We love its narrow footprint, making it simple to navigate busy city streets. It’s got great staying power too, with seats that can hold up to 45lbs. Got a third child? Add a glider board and go!
city select by baby jogger
Uppa Baby Vista stroller, 19202, $820; Uppa Baby Rumble seat, 20781, $180
Great storage options. Check. Flexible seating? Check. Start with one and add a rumble seat to accommodate two with your favorite primary stroller. We love the Uppa Baby Vista , because it provides one of the best single options that can turn into one of the bestdoubles.Usebassinetsorcar seats tomanagetheyoungest riders, orusetheseat for toting toddlers. Switch it up as you like and add the piggy back board. Now that’s easy strolling, city-style.
vista by uppababy
babesta beat fall/winter 2015
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