Have a kid and want to get around the city with ease? Consider your child’s age and how long you’ll be out, and then figure out your preferred method of transport (taxi, subway, foot or bus) to forge a plan. We’ve put together the best tools to ensure safety and easy mobility. In a taxi or towncar, it’s car seats first! Our infant car seat of choice is the Nuna Pipa , compatible with an array of strollers using a car seat adapter. The top quality seat combined with your preferred city stroller frame (that inevitably features good suspension and wheels), means easy strolling! Want it all in one package? Check out the new Doona car seat with wheels. If your child has grown out of the infant solutions, we recommend calling Uber and using their Uber Family option. The surcharge is definitely worth the convenience to not be stuck carrying around a convertible car seat all day! Getting around town anywhichway CITY SLICKERS
Clek Olli car seat, 2773, $99.95
Nuna Pipa infant car seat, 14827, $299.95 on Nuna Mixx stroller
Doona infant car seat with wheels, 22879, $499
Bubble Bum inflatable booster seat, 16585, $29.99
babesta beat fall/winter 2015
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